
Welcome to my blog! It's a great chance to stay in touch with people visiting my SITE. Composing music is often a lonely job ;). I put my music on the net, but never know what people think of it, how they like it or not. So please, feel free to react on it here: info(at)arjankiel.nl

-Arjan Kiel-

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Five new tracks added

I've just added five new tracks to the musicplayer on my site! Check them out and please let know what you think of them right here: info(at)arjankiel.nl. Looking forward to your reactions!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New developments...

Well, it's a bit quiet lately right here. Not at my studio! Stringquartets, a new film (!), new commercials...Soon I will put some new music on my site. I finished the four part symfonic piece with Jon Anderson. Now we're looking for an orchestra! There's also a great project coming up, a piece that I will write about mystic places of my homegrounds, together with Jon, local poetrists, and a great choir and orchestra...Keep posted, and as allways, feel free to contact me at info(at)arjankiel.nl!
