
Welcome to my blog! It's a great chance to stay in touch with people visiting my SITE. Composing music is often a lonely job ;). I put my music on the net, but never know what people think of it, how they like it or not. So please, feel free to react on it here: info(at)arjankiel.nl

-Arjan Kiel-

Monday, December 28, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cooperation with Festival in the Shire

In august 2010 there will be a Festival in the Shire, in Wales. I've contacted Mark, who's organizing this festival. There are plans to do something with orchestra and music of Martin Romberg and me...Exiting! There will be a lot of music at the festival, and ofcourse more! Here's my entry on the site. Keep you posted!
