
Welcome to my blog! It's a great chance to stay in touch with people visiting my SITE. Composing music is often a lonely job ;). I put my music on the net, but never know what people think of it, how they like it or not. So please, feel free to react on it here: info(at)arjankiel.nl

-Arjan Kiel-

Monday, September 13, 2010

WETA using my soundtrack

Peter Jacksons' Weta workshop uses the soundtrack I made for their podcast episode 17. In the clip you'll hear Daniel Falconer (who designed Treebeard for the LOTR trilogy!). Hope to work some more in Wellington NZ in future...!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

IMDb hit!

Here's my first IMDb hit!


New videos added

I've added some new videos on my site. Some new Born of Hope scenes, and some advertisment. Please check it here at www.arjankiel.com


Contact with Daniel Falconer en TORn

Lately there have been some contacts with Daniel Falconer, designer at Weta Workshop, about the Weta podcast, and contacts with theonering.net, also about podcast music. Keep you posted!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Born of Hope Testshoot Scenes added!

Just added to my site: some testshoot scenes for Born of Hope, click here, or go to www.arjankiel.com. Composers could download three scenes from the Born of Hope site to showcase their work for the Born of Hope music team to get involved in the production. I asked Kate Madison, director of Born of Hope, to use these scenes for my promotion, and it wasn't a problem at all. Thanks Kate!

The first scene is called Daughters Hand. It's a test shoot scene from 2006. Others will follow soon!
