Welcome to my blog! It's a great chance to stay in touch with people visiting my SITE. Composing music is often a lonely job ;). I put my music on the net, but never know what people think of it, how they like it or not. So please, feel free to react on it here: info(at)arjankiel.nl
Well, right on time to launch a blog this year:) I made the music for a Dutch theater film called "De club van Sinterklaas en het geheim van de speelgoeddokter". This film is gold; 100.000 people visited the film. Here's the trailer , the premiere in Amsterdam and golden film
My name is Arjan Kiel and I’m a Dutch classical (film)composer. I studied classical music and keyboards at the conservatory of Groningen, the Netherlands. I played keyboards for two years in the Sister ‘we are family’ Sledge live-band. Then I joined a Dutch reggae-band called Luie Hond. Currently I’m working with Jon Anderson, the voice of Yes, we’re working on an opera for the Chinese worldfair 2010 in Shanghai, and I’m scoring a big Lord of the Rings-like fanfilm, in the style of Howard Shore. For more information: www.arjankiel.com