
Welcome to my blog! It's a great chance to stay in touch with people visiting my SITE. Composing music is often a lonely job ;). I put my music on the net, but never know what people think of it, how they like it or not. So please, feel free to react on it here: info(at)arjankiel.nl

-Arjan Kiel-

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

CvS Cinema movie allready GOLD!

We had over 100.000 cinemavisitors, and the "Sinterklaas season" just hasn't even started yet!



Just finished my second cinemamovie: De Club van Sinterklaas en de Pietenschool!! Here's a little track to tease!


NEW filmscore film "VRIJ"

For "Leeuwarden Europese Culturele Hoofdstad 2018" I scored a short movie: "VRIJ"
Here some tracks: "Opening", FeelGoodTheme and "Aftiteling"

